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Sunday, September 7, 2014

French Scrambled Eggs

If you are an egg lover like me you may enjoy eggs cooked in a variety of ways- or maybe you think you have the absolute perfect technique that never let's you down. An egg for every occasion for me, but on lazy Sunday mornings, I take the time to slow cook french-style eggs. So easy, but needs a little patience.
You have a choice when it comes to making this eggs. If you want to do it the classic french style pull out your double boiler and get ready! If you want to skip the fuss, take out your favorite pan for scrambling eggs and set on low. If you have a range that dictates the temp from 1-10 -I'm talking 4 at the highest, I prefer lower.

You will also need:

  • 1-2 tablespoons butter (this is a personal choice on how much you want to add)
  • 4 large eggs (farm fresh and organic are best)
  • salt, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of heavy cream (optional) 
You could add tarragon, chives or what-have-you but honestly what is really called for is the egg and butter with a dash of salt. So simple, so pure. The slow cooking of these eggs ensures that they taste like buttery, soft pillows of egg- so good. 
Heat your pan on low. Add cold butter and let melt. Meanwhile, beat the eggs (which have been out to room temp) vigorously. Add salt and optional cream. Put into pan or double boiler while whisking. 
With a spatula slowly move eggs around until cooked through. This could take several minutes. These eggs should be bright yellow and just the right amount of fluff- yet have a density of buttery, slow cooked egg. They should look wet- not dry or crumbly- if they do - something has gone wrong!!
Serve simply. These guys don't need extras to make them taste perfect. They are good all by themselves. 
Bon Appetit 
xoxo Renee  

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